Epsom salt makes us beautiful!

Epsom salt makes us beautiful!
Hair and our skin needs constant care. Several factors of everyday life rather harm them and we have to try to keep them in good condition as long as possible. We  know that women today can not devote much time to maintain skin and hair, so we offer a product that you are mixing with their daily "procedures". The result will appear almost immediately.

It's about the British salt.'re Sure you've heard of it. It is composed of oxygen, sulfur and magnesium, and as we all know, these chemical elements are very useful for the body and therefore have very beneficial effects as skin and our hair.

For oily hair
If you suffer from excessive hair greasy fast, we encourage you to add 15-16 tablespoons of Epsom salt to your shampoo. This amount refers to the salt in 250 ml of shampoo.

For oily facial skin
Combat oily skin is severe. Try the following mask and see how easy it can be won your victory.
Mix half a teaspoon of Epsom salt, a tablespoon of brandy, juice of one lemon and egg. Stay with it for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

For voluminous hair
Not all are donated and large and unruly hair. The good news is that English salt helps for that. Add to your hair conditioner Epsom salt, let in 1: 1. Apply the conditioner after shampooing. Stay 15-20 minutes, then rinse. It is desirable to anoint the hair roots.

Soft and delicate skin
In this case, you add salt to the English shower gel you. Use again the ratio 1: 1.Gently massage the skin, then rinse.
Epsom salt is one of our best helpers in the fight against problem skin ... and hair.Let's add it to your daily routine and enjoy the wonderful effects on us!