Not every woman is photogenic and goes well with photos . Beautiful pictures, however give us confidence and selfie-esteem, especially in virtual dating. If you do not come out well in the photos, this article is just for you!

We live in a visual world where appearance is almost a pedestal. When you can not boast of nice pictures in Facebook , Twitter, Google + it becomes your minus. Even if you're not photogenic, you can look good by using some tricks.
Find out why good photos: See your photos and compare them with the pictures of other people. Maybe the problem is:
- Lack of sufficient light, your photos are shady places
- Pimples, blackheads, lack of quality makeup
- Hairstyle or choice of clothes
- Bushy eyebrows
- Narrowed or closed eyes
- Poor angle
Preparation: Choose clothing colors that go well with photos. Too colored shirts usually do not look good. See what colors suit most of your complexion. The toilet should not detract attention away from your face. Do not neglect and hair. Choose the one that makes your face proportionately. For example, if your face is broad, freely let their hair - it will face less and proportionate. If you have a little person, get hair high above to find forehead.
Makeup: Glossy skin could ruin any photo pinned so oily. Wash your face with a gel for oily skin, then dry it and apply toner. Apply makeup as usual. If you have shadows under the eyes, hide them with concealer. Highlight cheekbones for extra oomph. Dark lipsticks are not particularly suitable for a photo as thin lips. The clear gloss makes them too faint.
Be good poser: Nothing to be deceived! All Hollywood stars have learned postures which they know that they will show up in their best light. Experiment in the mirror with different emotions, so that it looks natural. Fake smile is not very photogenic! You have to look happy and confident and be aware of the advantages of your body.Do not fold awkward postures to hide tummy or chubby thighs.
Find a suitable background and light: light and background are key details for each photo. Do not choose a shady spot or too sunny. Pleasant lighting will make you a beautiful tan without getting senile.
Inspiration: Get pictures of friends or celebrities that inspire. What makes them look so good? Their posture? Hair color? Smile? If they can do it means that you can and you!