Makeup is the most powerful weapon of the ladies, but sometimes it can become bad. Well placed makeup is wealth, but it too - risk being criticized. See which of your favorite makeup does not like men.

Too much makeup: Women are fans of thick eyelashes soaked with plenty of black mascara, powder, fake tan, jet black eyeliner, bronze pearls - the list is endless. But when it comes to men, we must say that they have a different opinion. Many of them hate heavy makeup and prefer your natural appearance. You do not believe? Ask your buddy ...
Smearing your makeup in the morning: The worst thing is to wake up the morning after a wonderful evening with new boyfriend and he sees with black makeup smudged under the eyes. Actually it's pretty scary for some men recognize themselves. Not to mention the dirty pillowcase.
Blue Eyeshadow: Bright blue eye shadow stay too artificial and as many men should be banned. If we talk about seductive look, preferably warm earth colors that make eyes irresistible.
Neon colors: Whether it's shadows, nail polish or mascara - it does not matter. Men hate modern neon colors because they are too fizzy.
Fake tan: Too strong fake tan repels men. It has nothing to do with the natural tan, which is considered sexy. Not to mention that dirty and you might had agreed nasty number.
Dramatic eyeliner: Strong eyeliner look good on stage, but not in everyday life. So-called "wing" eyeliner irritate most men because it seems too strange.
Emo Makeup: Black lipstick, black shadows spiral in bright colors - all that comes in more of the average man. This make women appear depressed and gloomy, which is not at all sexy .
Tasteless makeup: When makeup is poorly done and looks like a cartoon, definitely does not make you attractive to men. Worst combination of colors, strong blush, lipstick outside the outline of the lips, wrong colors - these are all things that men do not like.
Heavily painted eyebrows eyebrows type folk star does not particularly stand naturally, although many women go. Too heavily painted eyebrows with bizarre shapes can even be off-putting to men.
Dried lipstick: lipstick residues are not particularly sexy, especially when they are deposited in rabchetata lips. Necessary from time to time to check how you look not to come to embarrassing situations.
Red lips: You will probably disappoint if you love the crimson lipstick. Many women look good when combined with the rest of makeup, complexion and clothing.However, many men do not find it sexy.
This, of course, does not mean you should give up makeup. Just looking for harmony between colors and not overdo quantities.