Want to spice up your nails, but cosmetic services are too expensive for your budget and rely solely on their creativity. Follow our steps, because today we will show you how to make a beautiful manicure at home.
Step №1:
Materials needed:
Materials needed:
- Nail polish color choice
- Black lacquer
- Top Coat
- Nail polish remover
- Cotton
- Bowl
Step №2:
Paint your nails with nail polish that you choose and wait until dry. Meanwhile, fill a bowl with a little water and drip 3 drops of black paint in it. Again wait to emerge black lacquer on the surface.

Step №3:
When you are sure that the bowl you look the same as the picture, then dip your fingers one by one in the mixture to spend three minutes each. When you are ready on your fingers will have the black lacquer dissolved in water, but do not worry, it's not something a little nail polish remover and cotton can not remove. But leave it to the end of our task and quickly go to step №4.

Step №4:
Paint your nails each with two or three layers of top coat until you are sure that your manicure will last at least a week to have been worth the effort. When finished with lacquer top, gently clean your fingers with nail polish remover and cotton keep nails.Ta-da! Your manicure is ready, you can go out and praise him.