Appendix Star Wars Card Trader allow exchange trading card on the "Star Wars"

Star Wars Card Trader - is a new app for iOS, lets you share, store and just buy collectible cards based on the famous George Lucas universe. Card in the application are digital copies of collectible souvenir, produced since 1977, when he left the fourth episode of the saga "Star Wars". 
Star Wars Card Trader - приложение для обмена коллекционными картами по мотивам вселенной Джорджа Лукаса

Cards issued to the upcoming release of the seventh episode in the application are also available. To purchase this item you must exchange will spend special "loans".
Приложение Star Wars Card Trader позволит обмениваться коллекционными карточками по "Звёздным Войнам"
The exchange rate is the virtual currency for real money next - 20,000 credits can be purchased for $ 5 real. The cost of the kit varies with cards of their value. Several options are available for free, whereas for the individual premium kits will have to pay about $ 50.
Приложение Star Wars Card Trader позволит обмениваться коллекционными карточками по "Звёздным Войнам"


Star Wars ™: Card Trader

The Topps Company, Inc.
