Apple is planning to launch another program, which is aimed at achieving the goal set by Tim Cook, - increased sales iPhone. The company plans to implement a new recycling program and replacing old equipment with new ones, taking into account the cost of the loaned smartphones on which will be taken not only smartphones from Apple, but more and from BlackBerry, as well as devices running on Android.
In order to win over supporters of Android, will be used recycling conditions similar to those provided by the owners of iPhone. In other words, when assessing the cost of devices will store employees consider their cosmetic and functional condition.
The new program will be launched in the next few weeks. Besides being able to dispose of your old smartphone, store employees will help the user to transfer contacts from your old device to the new, but all other information users have to move yourself.
Originally recycling program Apple's smartphone was launched back in 2013 with the aim of motivating users to update their devices. Over the past few years, the program has spread outside the United States in Europe, as well as in Canada and Australia. It is worth noting that the program has had considerable success and helped boost sales of their Apple devices, so last year launched a new subspecies of the program aimed at replacing iPad.
Although this program is very consistent and comfortable, it is worth nevertheless be noted that the price of Apple's smartphones are much higher than the cost of smartphones of other market participants, and the conditions are not the best replacement. For example, a similar program from Amazon provides instantaneous determination of the price online, as well as free transport marking, and includes a large variety of different phone models. Now Apple is working on a modification of the algorithm of the program, together with its partner - BrightStar, so it is possible that the price and conditions will be adjusted over time.