Blackberry SecuTablet - a tablet with enhanced security from BlackBerry, Samsung and IBM

The company announced the release of the new BlackBerry tablet, created in collaboration with IBM and Samsung. A distinctive feature of the BlackBerry device is increased attention to the protection of user data and the new device will be no exception. 
Планшет BlackBerry SecuTablet стал первым совместным проектом BlackBerry, Samsung и IBM

Device called SecuTablet will be created based on Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 and will be released this summer. The new tablet will use encryption technology Secusmart, which currently belongs to the Blackberry. This technology is already in service with the German and Canadian governments.
Blackberry SecuTablet - планшет с повышенной безопасностью от BlackBerry, Samsung и IBM
IBM has made the project a software that allows you to run on SecuTablet and workers, and custom applications, while maintaining the required level of system security and data protection. At the same time CEO Secusmart Hans-Christoph Quelle said that anyone who knows how to deal with the tablet on Android, will be able to easily use SecuTablet.
Blackberry SecuTablet - планшет с повышенной безопасностью от BlackBerry, Samsung и IBM
In 2011, Balckberry already tried to enter the tablet market with the Blackberry PlayBook, but the continuation of this was not followed. Then the device came with the operating system QNX OS and default do not have such simple things as email-client or calendar that was later corrected system upgrade. Given that SecuTablet had based Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5, it can be assumed specifications of the new tablet from BlackBerry - Super AMOLED-display with a diagonal of 10.5 inches and a resolution of 2560x1600, an eight Exynos 5420 with a frequency of 1.9 GHz, 3 GB RAM and an 8 megapixel camera.
Blackberry SecuTablet - планшет с повышенной безопасностью от BlackBerry, Samsung и IBM
Approximate price of the new tablet will be $ 2,380.