Developer synchronize the watches on the Android Wear with iPhone

Last month, the developer Mohammed Abu Garbo managed to create a smart watch on the platform Android Wear, capable of displaying a notification with the iPhone, despite the fact that the operating system for handheld devices from Google does not support mobile devices from Apple, at least for today. Later, the network was published a video demonstrating how an incoming call with the iPhone fails to respond with a smart watch on Android. 
Android Wear и iOS можно синхронизировать без джейлбрейка

The developer said that in the video, he feigned gesture to answer the call from watches to his hand did not fill the entire frame, but the function of answering calls with the iPhone really works great with smart watch on Android.
As is the case with the previous attempt to "pair" iOS and Android Wear, synchronization does not require the procedure of jailbreaking.