HTC One M9 heated more other flagships

For a long time it was rumored that the 64-bit, eight-core Snapdragon 810 Qualcomm's too hot during operation. According to experts, it is because of this Samsung refused to use this chip in its flagship Galaxy S6. 
HTC One M9 оказался самым "горячим" флагманом

Also, the network has information that Sony is looking for specific technical solutions to reduce the amount of heat generated by the Snapdragon 810 in the new Xperia Z4. Nevertheless Qualcomm hurried to refute all the rumors, saying that Snapdragon 810 generates less heat than the Snapdragon 801. But it seems that the Snapdragon 810 is really too hot. Tests showed that the HTC One M9, which set a new chip when running benchmark GFXBench heated to 55 ° Celsius.
HTC One M9 нагревается сильнее других флагманов
The source says that the temperature of the HTC One M9 during operation varies from 42,5 ° Celsius, which is higher than that of counterparts. For comparison, the last year HTC One M8, which stands Snapdragon 801, in the same test is heated to only 38,7 ° Celsius. Samsung Galaxy Note 4 heated to 37,8 ° Celsius and iPhone 6 Plus - up to 39,4 °.
For all modern mobile devices is normal warm during high loads, but at 55 ° Celsius to keep HTC One M9 in hand becomes uncomfortable and even painful. Also, the source said that the new flagship HTC's no automatic thermal shutdown, which ultimately can lead to malfunction.
It is worth noting that during the test used HTC One M9 with no final version of the software.Hopefully, in a custom version of HTC will correct this situation.