Virtual reality has become one of the main trends of recent times. Now the market is a virtual reality divided into two camps: one represents the company Oculus, Sony and Valve, which makes the device aimed primarily at wide gaming audience, and a huge number of other vendors offering a simple and mobile VR-headset.

On the background of all the headsets interesting stands Impression Pi, to raise funds for the creation of which is made through kraudfandingovy service Kickstarter . The main feature of the VR-headset is that it is integrated in the system for tracking the user's gesture.
Most of the existing VR-headsets are controlled by the game controller, built-in touchpad or head movements. Developers Impression Pi offer us their own hands "feel" the virtual world.
On the front side Impression Pi are two cameras that track the movement of the user's hands, the surrounding area and moving it. Thanks to this feature not only allows the headset to immerse its owner in the virtual world, but also act as an augmented reality device. With Impression Pi can play games, watch movies, view social networks and any other content on the Internet.
Developers have already collected the required amount for the start of mass production and are ready to begin deliveries in August this year. Impression Pi cost is only $ 59.