In the Nokia Lumia 735 set a hidden LED-indicator for missed notifications

The new build of Windows 10 for smartphones was detected support LED-indicators missed events in some smartphones, including the Lumia 735 and Lumia 930. It is interesting that such a possibility of phone Nokia Lumia 735 was not previously known. 
Nokia Lumia 735 имеет скрытую функциональность

It turns out that the manufacturer has established beforehand LED-indicator, which is simply waiting for "activation" by Microsoft. One user noticed one review collated smartphone small LED that does not involved, and the cutout for it in the upper left corner of the front panel.
В Nokia Lumia 735 установлен скрытый LED-индикатор пропущенных уведомлений
В Nokia Lumia 735 установлен скрытый LED-индикатор пропущенных уведомлений
В Nokia Lumia 735 установлен скрытый LED-индикатор пропущенных уведомлений
It is expected that the final version of Windows 10 for smartphones, this function is already active, and users can quickly learn about missed calls and messages.
It is expected that the official release of a new system, Microsoft will reveal several new features of Windows 10.