Over 16% iPhone owners are not interested in buying a Samsung Galaxy S6

The results of research conducted by ecoATM shown that users are very loyal to smartphones iPhone, owned at the moment. When asked about what would make them buy a new Samsung Galaxy S6, 26% of respondents said that nothing can get them replaced at the new flagship smartphone from Samsung. 
Около 16% пользователей iPhone никогда не купят смартфон от Samsung

22% said that the lower cost of Galaxy S6 could encourage them to change their existing phone for this model. According to all of the same study, 24% of smartphone users from Apple would have changed their device Galaxy S6 only if they were offered a free exchange, while 16% would be willing to buy it at a lower price. 21% agreed to exchange their device model from Samsung if it can provide the user with a longer battery life.
18% would produce exchange for a device with a larger display, and 3% would go for it, seeing their idol enjoys the same smartphone. By the way, 16% of iPhone users said that under no circumstances will not change our commitment to the brand.
Most iPhone owners are not interested in buying a Samsung Galaxy S6
So what prevents iPhone users to buy another phone model? A quarter of respondents do not want to change the phone, just because their friends and relatives are also devices from Apple. 21% of respondents said that the iPhone has more features, and 19% are ardent fans of the company and acquire only the products Apple.
In response to a question about when the respondents are planning to upgrade their devices, 38% of users responded that await expiration of the biennial contract with the service provider, 23% wait until break their current phones, 16% would buy a new smartphone for 6 months after its launch, and 13% will wait about a month. 6% plan to buy a smartphone in the first day of sales, and 4% have already made pre-order the new model.