Suggested to play: the best games in the genre of Tower Defense

Genre Tower Defense (or, simply, TD) for the last ten years was formed, tweaked and polished all sorts of developers not even to shine - to perfect specular. These games do not have numbers, and all of them, one way or another, contain a mandatory set of elements - the attackers, defenders, maps, corridors goal invasion, upgrades ... 
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To stand out from the crowd, the author comes up with something new and different - whether then plot outline or gameplay chips. Therefore, speaking today on the Tower Defense, we will not tell you that brings them together, and that differ from each other.
But first, a little history. Tower Defense there for almost ten years, and is considered to be representative of the first full game Master of Defense in 2005. However, the genre began to take shape before - can be called the founder of the ancient Rampart. Then there were the maps for StarCraft and WarCraft III (and we all remember what else format began with maps for the fantasy strategy by Blizzard), and Age of Empires II. Finally, in the late 2000s tower defense got to the mobilephones. And now we go ... the main difference between these projects and the setting remains the range of available options.

Defense Zone 2 HD

Once on a clear day-by-controlled territory you started moving enemies. Who are they and where - is unknown, and it does not matter. The important thing: they do not have to overcome this way.
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Source of inspiration: Red Alert
What are the similarities? Defense Zone 2 is closest to the standard genre pattern. There is an entry point, one or more, and an exit point. Between them lies a winding corridor, the edges of which we must build defenses using a variety of towers. Facilities are different - rapid-retarding beating electrodischarges or squares. Over time, they can be better for the money, giving for the removal of villains.
What's New In Defense Zone 2 no pre-selected items under the tower - they are placed anywhere outside of the road. This allows, for example, the ability to deliver rapid-fire machine gun on the side of the road, and the rear cover its long-range rocket launcher. For each tower you can choose the priority objective - Middle, strong or weak. Finally, the conduct of intensive shooting they can go into the "hellfire" - the name speaks for itself. Complete the picture of the charges at the time strikes.
How to Play: 13 cards and 3 difficulty modes for each. 

Sentinel 4: Dark Star

Once upon a time in a far-distant galaxy brave people overcame another threat from outer space and protect your world. However, their joy was short-lived - right during the victory celebration on the horizon of the planet drew another enemy flagship, and then proudly retired to the unknown from grafted black hole. Naturally, people rushed after him. You never know, but suddenly back?
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Source of inspiration: StarCraft
What are the similarities? Despite the fact that the local story revolves around survival in a strange hostile world, it is reflected in what is happening except that the starting clip so few briefings. In the confrontation between a technologically advanced human alien life forms on our side all kinds of turrets and robots, which range allowed to choose before the mission - depending on the expectations and preferred style.
What's new? The main feature of Sentinel 4 - a combat robot Artemis. Not only that it protects the base, so it can be more and throw in the hot spots, and between missions to pump and equipped.Used tower were not born yesterday - they are not just globally improved between operations, but also grow in the level directly in combat, not only for the money, but also automatically, depending on the number of victims.
How to Play: 26 story missions, which can also fight in free play mode.   

Kingdom Rush Origins

The world has changed ... I can feel it in the water ... Oh, I'm sorry. This is because of the other stories. But, nevertheless, the world of elves really changed. Under the canopy of virgin forest came gnolls, goblins, trolls, and the Valar know who else, which means that it's time to take Ostroukhov grinpisovtsy for bows.
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Source of inspiration: WarCraft
What are the similarities? For the most part, the Uruguayan studio Ironhide sells the same game for the third time. And the third time doing it very successfully. If you have played at least one Kingdom Rush before, then you know what Origins. Even completely redrawn graphics and classic medieval fantasy instead you will not confuse. Kingdom Rush Origins is built on the principle of "more - does not mean better": there are only four types of towers, each with strictly designated function, and build them only in a pre-defined for each place card. I must say, this "modesty" of the game can only benefit: the passage of each level becomes almost a chess puzzle solution.
What's New in Sentinel 4 If there is only one Artemis, the Kingdom Rush Origins whole set of characters - much as ten. However, to take into battle can still be only one - the choice of fighter and his special skill is performed between missions. Characters freely run across the field and come to the aid where most needed. Also, always at hand three spells, which are used for free, but require some time to recover: the more powerful magic, the less it may be resorted to. Finally, there is a logical system throughput of everything, from the concrete towers of power until completely new opportunities.
How to Play: 15 scene cards on three test mode for each + three global complexity.   

Plants vs. Zombies 2

There once was a garden. In the garden, all was well. Sunflowers in bloom, peas Spikes, peanuts flooded with power and strength ... And then came the garden zombies. More precisely, they came to the house - the owner of the brains garden, flowers and vegetables but did not give another offense - and orderly rose to his defense. The war began plants vs zombies.
Советуем поиграть: лучшие игры в жанре Tower Defense
Source of inspiration: "Farm Frenzy», Dead Rising
What are the similarities? Plants vs. Zombies - one of those games that changed the world. This is - a real sensation in 2009, when a flower-necromantic battles hooked almost all men, though how many are interested in interactive entertainment. Despite the strong change in the concept, it is still Tower Defence - in fact there is attackers and the defenders have a strategy for the formation of protection and effective means of selection in real time, when the undead and rushing - only manage to defend themselves.
What is new? About Plants vs. differences Zombies from the classic Tower Defense, you can write a separate analytical article (what we may yet zaymёmsya). Here it's different. Starting from the field, is a flat track, which runs ghouls, and ending by the construction of each level. Plants completely self-sufficient - they are their own and fighting force, and a source of energy, and protection. It is only necessary to plant them correctly. In the brief moments of truce can come back to the store. And still sometimes come bosses, and it was then only manage to plant and sow.
How to play: More than a hundred levels in five different interiors.   

Anomaly 2

The future of humanity is almost never bright and joyful. Once again, the land in ruins, and the people on the verge of extinction. Survivors gather to up arms to defend their right to live in peace, seized cars - the planet freezes plow armed caravans in search of resources and food.
Советуем поиграть: лучшие игры в жанре Tower Defense
Source of inspiration: Lost Planet, Command & Conquer
What are the similarities? If you look from the side, the Anomaly - the original is that the sequel - the most common Tower Defense. Man-made design, slowly creeping forward on a predefined path line of cars, aggressive towers along the way ..
What is new? ... And then comes the understanding that before us actually unique Tower Defense, where the game is not for the defense, and for the attackers. So it was in the original Anomaly Warzone Earth, arranged in the same proceeding. If conventional TD-game main dvizhuha falls on the opposition itself, when it is necessary to quickly build towers and adapt to what is happening in the Anomaly 2 focus shifted considerably in the planning stage. Improvement and selection of equipment, the construction of the caravan and order motion machines, paving the route - all have to think through carefully and meticulously.
However, the second part of the series does not allow to get bored during the fight, now controlled robots are able to independently switch between modes - for example, to turn from a caterpillar walking tanks in the bottles. There are other ways of intervention - Field repair or destroy enemies with air support. And by the way: there is a multiplayer, allowing to stay on opposite sides not with the computer, with an equal opponent.
How to Play: 14 missions and 4 difficulty levels.
Definitely slukavili those who say that have never played in the Tower Defense. Or one who has not attracted none of the designated contact games. We just do not believe it. However, if you are still unfamiliar with the genre, and you already have your own favorite - we look forward to counter recommendations. And then tell you about them in the reader's digest.