The creators of Mortal Kombat X inspired by the film "The Godfather 2"

The course of history in Mortal Kombat X inspired style of storytelling in the movie "The Godfather 2". At least, so say the developers of the game. They reported that during the next upcoming game Stream. It was also said that after the passage of the campaign will open a new character. 
Киношедевр "Крёстный отец 2" повлиял на ход разработки Mortal Kombat X

But which one - is not entirely clear. When the creators of the project talked about the similarity with the movie "The Godfather 2", they had in mind a particular director's appointment, when the duration changed regularly shifting the viewer from the present to the past and, of course, vice versa. Such will be in Mortal Kombat X. That is, the same characters will appear before the player in different time frames.
Recall a few days ago - March 13, Friday - the developers have confirmed that Jason Voorhees, the main villain of the series of films "Friday the 13th", will appear in the game in the Mortal Kombat X as a playable character.
Создатели Mortal Kombat X вдохновлялись фильмом "Крёстный отец 2"
Today, developers have also shown gameplay demo video mobile version of Mortal Kombat X, written using Android-based device.