The game unit Sony PlayStation brings the highest profit

For the third fiscal quarter of 2014, ended December 31, a division of Sony Game & Network Services has earned about $ 4.25 billion. Recall that in this structure includes a first playing unit PlayStation.Thus, for the third quarter of Game & Network Services Sony has brought more revenue than all the other structural units. 
Прибыль Sony растёт за счёт рекордных продаж PlayStation 4

As for the PlayStation, then PS4 console sales showed an increase of 16.8%. Total for the quarter was 6.4 million units sold, while during the same period in 2013 were sold only 4.5 million. Earlier this month, Sony has announced that since the start of the 20.2 million consoles found their owners.
Achievement of these indicators, according to Sony, also contributed to the favorable situation in the exchange rates and growth in revenues from network services (primarily by attracting new subscribers to the service PlayStation Plus). Sony also marks a natural decline in sales of the previous generation of consoles - PlayStation 3.
Sony expects that by the end of the current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, the general sales figures for the entire 2014 on PS3 and PS4 together constitute 17.5 million units (formerly Sony planned to sell only 17 million). The projected rate of sales of mobile consoles (PS TV, Vita and PSP) remained unchanged - 420 million devices.
For the third quarter the company has been quite successful. Total sales increased by 6.5%, the operating profit amounted to 104%. According to the recently adopted development strategy for Sony now the most priority is precisely PlayStation.