True Key - technology from Intel Security and Prestigio, which no longer need to remember passwords

At the Mobile World Congress 2015, held last week in Barcelona, ​​the company Prestigio has officially announced that will be one of the first manufacturers of mobile devices, which will launch in EMEA new technology True Key, developed by Intel Security. 
Все устройства Prestigio будут оборудованы технологией запоминания паролей True Key

The first devices from Prestigio to support this technology will appear in the Russian market. True Key is a cross-platform application that offers access to websites, applications, and devaysa by facial recognition, fingerprints, or devices that belong to the owner. Until the end of this year, this app will be available on all smartphones and tablets Prestigio, running the operating system Android.
True Key - технология от Intel Security и Prestigio, с которой больше не нужно запоминать пароли
"Our customers want to manage their data on mobile devices, whether it's a mobile phone or tablet, technology and True Key lets you do this with a high level of protection. People have to create complex passwords and Technology" real key "eliminates the need to set creation and memorizing long codes. Quick entry to accounts or applications will enhance the usability of mobile devices Prestigio " - said Marek Horil, CEO and COO of Prestigio, EMEA
According to the company, the Russian people are installed on smartphones, on average, about 23 applications. A quarter of mobile owners regularly use their gadgets to access bank accounts, each time complex passwords. According to statistics, people, on average, give birth to 25 accounts from different services and social networks, creating up to 10 different passwords. That's why there was a need for such technology.
Biometric recognition technology user, which is used in the application True Key, allows not only to abandon remembering complex passwords, but also makes it possible to set up your own security system with several levels of identification to log in to your account. In this case, users themselves can decide what information will be stored in account True Key.
"Using the same simple passwords or create a" memo "with a list of passwords to the accounts, are two of the most popular solutions to the problem of remembering passwords. But none of them is not optimal. TrueKey - it is protected and simple technology to manage passwords. Appendix offers an adaptable multi-level protection and lets you quickly and easily access their accounts "- explains Mark Hocking, Vice President and Head of Safe Identity of Intel Security.
At the moment, the technology True Key is available in a limited mode, and full access to all comers will be open until the end of this year. For early access can register on the official site .