Turn-based strategy Metro 2033 reached Wars Windows Phone

Metro 2033 Wars - is a turn based strategy game inspired by the famous universe, which was written by a talented writer Dmitry Glukhovski. Engaged in the development of the project studio DaSuppaStudios. P
Пошаговая стратегия Metro 2033 Wars теперь доступна пользователям Windows Phone

layer in Metro 2033 Wars takes the command of a group of survivors who are forced to fight for their right to continued existence. Metro 2033 Venue Wars - all the same Moscow metro. In addition to regular fights with all sorts of manifestations of evil spirits, the player will need to explore the underground tunnels for mineral resources as well as to negotiate with the other groups.
Now Metro 2033 Wars came out on Windows Phone. The strategy is also available on iOS and Android.