Universal Music Player from Google allows you to create applications for all form factors of Android-devices

This Thursday, Google introduced a new reference application Universal Music Player, which was created specifically to work on different devices with different form factors using the same code base.Developers can use the Universal Music Player for creating applications that will work equally well on Android, Android Auto, Android Wear, as well as on devices Google Cast. 
Universal Music Player от Google позволит Android-разработчикам сэкономить время и силы

Using MediaStyle, MediaSession and MediaBrowserService, which are available in the operating system Android 5.0, developers can create applications that will adequately work on Android-smartphone, clocks, plates, in the car or on the set-top box.
Once mastered all the features that Google has equipped Universal Music, developers can easily adapt applications for all form factors.
Universal Music Player от Google позволяет создавать приложения под все форм-факторы Android-устройств Universal Music Player от Google позволяет создавать приложения под все форм-факторы Android-устройств Universal Music Player от Google позволяет создавать приложения под все форм-факторы Android-устройств
Thanks to Universal Music Player developers can save time and effort to adapt the application for different devices on Android.
Details about the application can be found on the website for developers Android.