The only effective solution against cellulite is compliance with strict diet and training regime. Sad but true. None of cream, lotion, pill or any other "revolutionary" tool will help in the fight against cellulite.
As you actually think for a second not succumb to the illusion that when I brush several times with anti-cellulite cream or you put some "special vibrating machine 'of hips will get rid of cellulite forever. It's impossible. Moment Even if we assume that these "revolutionary discoveries" that will mold the figure of a goddess in just a few minutes a day without moving your finger, while tread with "junk" food, it would hardly to sell at such prices.
Sober look at the situation and do not waste your time and money for such nonsense and get a grip and do something about it. Cellulite is not removed himself! Change your lifestyle and guarantee you that within a few months of cellulite no trace remains. Show the will and perseverance, eat healthy and train properly, and certainly will not happen.
Of course, we will not leave you alone in the fight against cellulite. Will help with what we can. For starters here are some simple yet effective exercises that will eliminate cellulite from your body forever.

Biking / exercise bike
Regular cycling is one of the proven ways that you can use in the fight against cellulite. Washing a few miles a day average rate will help to break down fatty deposits in your seat.
To improve your results, you can use a variety of techniques and methods that would significantly accelerate this process.
One of the most effective methods to alternate fast and normal speed in different time interval. This technique you can apply it most easily and safely in the gym, using a stationary bike. Unfortunately our streets too dangerous to ride a bike, let alone the application of different techniques and methods.
Walks in the park are also a good tool for the elimination of cellulite. Walking, however, takes a lot more time than cycling or running, but it is no less effective than them. Be sure that if you take at least 2,000 steps a day, or in other words a range of about 1.5-2 km walk, it certainly will not upload single kilogram more.
Regular running in the park will not only get rid of cellulite forever, but will also make you feel much better. It will significantly raise the tone and you might even save you the headache of your struggles.
For starters start with light kroscheta until you enter the form and feel that your body can withstand far more serious loads. Then you could alternate sprints with normal or only running sprints. This will significantly increase energy consumption and would "compel" the body to use fat accumulated in body fat (ie buttocks, thighs, hips and all the other "stores") as a source of energy with which to meet their needs .
Workouts in the gym

Buttock bridge
Powered easy. Lie on your back on the ground with bent or stretched hands to the body and lift your pelvis up.
If after a while you seem too easy - use the weight. Put it on your tummy, lift your pelvis, hold for 1-2 seconds and release.
Attacks can be performed with or without weights. There are many variations and techniques of implementation that focus differently on your body. The most effective of these is the so-called. "Unilateral" implementation.
This means - squatting with one leg, hold for a moment and return to starting position. Then do the same with the other, and so a few times. As for the beginning do it without weights, and when you feel ready to add a dumbbell in hand for greater difficulty.
Squats are universally exercise. They are suitable for uploading muscle mass, weight loss, body firming and a bunch of other things. Implemented very easily and quickly grasp their technique.
If you do not exercise regularly, start with squats its own weight in a few weeks and perform the exercise with a barbell and weights.

Eating is not an important part of the fight against cellulite - it is most important. Do not follow proper diet with negative calorie balance, then any exercise you do, the result of your efforts will be none. Forget the fried, soft drinks, chocolates and all other unhealthy foods.
In the beginning you may be very difficult to follow a diet but do not succumb to temptation. I guarantee you that in a few days will completely forget about these "goodies" and even wonder how you put them in your mouth so long.
Also remember to drink plenty of water - at least 2-3 liters per day. It helps the metabolism in the body and in particular the burning of fat. Do not resort to juices or juices - they are useful, but in this situation you will not do the job because they contain a lot of sugar in itself.