How to make-up if you wear glasses

How to make-up if you wear glasses
A woman should always be beautiful, but to do it in the best way, it is necessary to feel. For some ladies wearing glasses is a defect, an obstacle, and they often ignore their appearance. However, this is a mistake, because the glasses not only ruin, and in most cases even add extra oomph to a lady. Although glasses, makeup is noticeable and stands very well, so there is no reason to leave it behind.

Now we offer you a few tips on how to make-up, if you're the women who wear glasses .
According to the rules in myopia is good to bet on the color shades - blue, green or pink, adding and eyeliner. So your eyes will not look so small. If the shape is round, put a heavy makeup at the base of the upper eyelid. Light shades are used for the highlighting and enhancing the expressiveness it again in the upper part of the lid.Do not overdo it with mascara because your eyelashes should not touch the glass.
Farsighted is back - eyes look bigger. If you are from these ladies put more often tan, beige and other shades in such opaque colors. Killing effect occurs if you add eyeliner and the same color as the eyes or shadows you.
For astigmatic recommended stronger makeup. Eyeliner is key - put it on the upper lid and gently dab. Choose shades similar to the color of your eyes, maybe the same. Advised green and gray-blue colors as add edge to your look. Finally finish with mascara eyelashes - you're ready to strike.
We hope our tips help you. Remember, it is important to feel the beauty in yourself and of course, smiling constantly. Turn the glasses in his best physical quality!