Way that can keep the beautiful features of your face and prevent wrinkles to appear devised star ladies of Hollywood. Just 10 minutes a day are enough to make Jane Fonda and Demi Moore to feel comfortable in your skin and ashamed and some young actresses with beauty you.
The name of the program whose striking effect is praised by many women is the Face building. It increases collagen content in the skin, increases elasticity, eliminates the need for surgical correction and strengthens muscles. If you are regular and perform the procedure daily until 3-4 months the result will be a person.Looking in the mirror, you will not see the wrinkles and the deeper will be aired and almost obliterated. Basically, you can train at your whim, but the greatest effect is recommended time before sleep. It depends on you which exercises you do - or all those who will help only to certain areas of the face.
An exercise is performed 5 times per week, and each class - 5 times for 6 seconds.Over time repetitions increased until they reach 20 Here they are:

Cello - start by placing the fingers of both hands on the forehead. Nameless are on the eyebrows, in the meantime you should try to lift. When doing this fight with the resistance that occurs fingers. Thus, the forehead skin is pulled up and the wrinkles are not formed, because your fingers are in the right place.
Eye - insert your index fingers at the corners of the eyes and eyelids lift up.
For cheeks - show the widest smile, but only with lips. Place your index fingers in places where normally form wrinkles.
For chin - shrugging his hands into fists, support the chin. While in this position, open the mouth and feel their pressure. Then support his chin with his thumb and stick out your tongue, as many as the tip should point chin.
Eye Contour - close your eyes while your average fingers on the outer corners of the eyes. Thus fingers will stretch the skin down. Stay a while and so do not push.
Lip - put index at the end of the eye and press. Meanwhile thumbs should be in the two outer corners of the lips. Open mouth and stand as if ye shall laugh every time.It is important to raise alagchetata lips up and to stand as 6 seconds. Then squeeze the lips and press your index places that have appeared wrinkles.
Neck - put a little effort to release the maximum lower lip, not move the corners of the mouth and exposing the lower teeth. Find when doing the exercise properly, if your neck show relief of her muscles.