Unfortunately, not all women are able to go beautifully. Some walk like a soldier marched waving hands, others are shrinking like an old woman with her head.
Beautiful gait depends on many things, especially from the stand, how you hold your head and back. Then on the way in which steps (first step on heel without knee bend). Then on hands and body, finally shoes - comfortable you are, you are aligned with the seasons and weather. If you constantly wear high heels, step inevitably will become shorter, tripping, it is clear and easily understandable. Note: Rarely, some of the women who are always on high heels, do not fold your knees when walking. But quite flat shoe with current gait became reluctant casual entertainment. It is best to wear shoes with high heels on average - that they walk lightly step springy, energetic.
The best exercise that helps beautiful gait is brisk walking. Walk more, walk every day and do not use public transportation for two, three stops. Go straight, head up, slightly bent at the elbows (not waving them), with a light and fast paced.

We offers you some simple exercises you can do gait unique:
1 Walking fingers for 1 minute without shrinking knees. Hands on hips, elbows taken back, back arched slightly arc.
2 Soft walking - walking one minute with rolled off finger whole step foot declined slightly at the knee. The movements are performed smoothly.
3 Run your fingers lightly 1 minute.
4 Soft running. Performed in the same way as the previous exercise, but in a fast pace - 40 seconds.
5 Springy walking. Lift up on her toes and fingers do the step of the whole stage and collapse quickly stretching the knee and then go back on their toes. The other leg forward.
This complex exercise also helps with deformities . Repeat them several times. The aim is not to kill and to load the legs so much that you can not walk afterwards. And remember: head up, shoulders back - you are wonderful!