Adappt allowing you to connect to the Apple Watch other straps

Not so long ago, Apple presented the smart watch Apple Watch. The presentation revealed that the new device will be available a number of straps in different versions, but all of them will be shipped by Apple. 
Adappt позволит обойти ограничения на подключение ремешков к Apple Watch

There is no information about the bracelet from a third-party, but now have the opportunity to bypass the restriction in the range of straps. As part kraudfandingovoy site Indiegogo project launched Adappt. which is a small adapter for standard watch bracelets, which can be connected to Apple Watch.Adapters will appear for all three versions hours - aluminum, stainless steel and gold-plated.
Adappt позволит подключать к Apple Watch стандартные часовые ремешки
"Adappt - a small adapter that allows you to use any Apple Watch straps for hours. On the one hand adapter has a standard connector Apple Watch, and on the other - an interface for connecting any time bracelet. The bundle will be available adapter and watchband. Bracelets will appear in the performance of rubber, leather or stainless steel and are available in different colors".
Adappt can support on the project page on Indegogo. The minimum contribution amount is $ 7.