Adobe launches cloud service and new applications for iOS

Adobe has decided to apply the strategy of cloud service for documents in its latest decision. Using an approach similar to Creative Cloud Suite for developers, Adobe has introduced a new service Document Cloud, as well as two applications for iOS: Acrobat Mobile and Fill & Sign. 
Новые приложения от Adobe позволят редактировать PDF-документы с мобильных устройств

The aim of the new service aims to make PDF-files and other documents more flexible and available in a variety of situations, and new applications for iOS make it easy to move your paper documents into Adobe Document Cloud.
According to the Adobe, Acrobat DC, having a free digital signature to documents PDF, service is the key to Document Cloud. Adobe Document Cloud consists of a set of integrated services that use permanent online profile. Users can create, view, validate, sign and keep track of documents on your PC and on mobile devices. Acrobat DC, a user interface that supports touch screen, will be available as a subscription and paying the application once.
It is expected that Adobe Document Cloud and Acrobat DC will be released either later this month or early next and will be available for users who have a subscription to Acrobat for $ 14.99 per month.According to the company users will also be able to purchase a perpetual license to use the product.
Adobe запускает облачный сервис и новые приложения для iOS
Acrobat DC aims to bring PDF-solution from Adobe to a new level. The program has an intuitive user interface with support for touch screens. The new center tools in the program offers easy and quick access to frequently used tools. In addition, Acrobat DC uses a process converting paper documents to digital technology, similar to that used in the product Photoshop.
Services digital signature will also be included in each subscription to Acrobat DC and are part and Document Cloud and Adobe Creative Cloud. Now thanks to this user will be able to send and sign any document from any device. A tool with a Fill & Sign filling documents become faster and easier.Furthermore, there is the AutoComplete feature, which is supported on different devices.
With the help of Mobile Link users can work on documents with different devices. And with two new mobile applications Acrobat Mobile and Fill & Sign, users can not only create, edit, annotate and sign documents on mobile devices, but also to use the smartphone's camera to scan documents and their digitization.
The new service Send & Track allows the user to manage their documents and track them.