Americans will not buy Apple Watch

Earlier this week, Apple held a presentation in which were officially declared value and the date of commencement of sales of "smart" watches Watch . Pre-order at first wearable accessory from Apple will be April 10, and sales will begin the 24th day of the same month. Novelty cost starts at $ 349 for the most affordable model. 
Apple Watch не смогли заинтересовать американцев

Despite the popularity of the brand, popular resource Reuters survey showed that 69% of Americans are not going to buy Apple Watch.
Американцы не будут покупать Apple Watch
The survey, which took place from 9 to 13 March, 47.5% of respondents said they are not interested in Apple Watch, and even 22.1% responded that they were not very interested in the sphere of gadgets.In this case, 9.4% are very interested in wearable devices from Apple, 15,2% simply expressed an interest, and 5.8% could not decide. As can be seen, Apple could not immediately convince the user of the need to purchase their own "smart" hours.
It should be understood that this is only a preliminary assessment and to talk about the failure of the new items is too early. Also, it is worth remembering that the same skepticism greeted users and other devices from Apple, such as the first iPhone or iPad, which eventually became the most popular in its class.
At the same time, many critics argue that Apple Watch did not receive significant benefits that would distinguish them from the rest of smart hours. At the same time watch from Apple are significantly more expensive than their competitors. Meanwhile, in spite of this, analysts believe the success of Apple Watch and millions of sales forecast for the first year.