OnePlus preparing to expand line of external batteries

In December last year, the company announced OnePlus External Battery Power Bank. And now, after three months, the product goes on sale, and it is not clear what caused the company to tighten release Power Bank. 
Нового внешнего аккумулятора OnePlus Power Bank хватит на три полных зарядки OnePlus One

But be that as it may, the fans of the Chinese company products very soon will be able to acquire additional storage of energy for your device. In his Twitter OnePlus teaser released a new accessory with the release date - March 17. New OnePlus Power Bank will store the charge capacity of 10,000 mAh and charge devices with two USB connectors on the 5V / 2A. Additional capacity battery will last for three full charge OnePlus One.
OnePlus готовится расширить линейку внешних аккумуляторов
The device weighs 220 grams and comes in colors flagship smartphone OnePlus - black and white. To find the remaining battery power, it is enough to shake - and the LED-indicator will show the current status.
OnePlus готовится расширить линейку внешних аккумуляторов
OnePlus Power Bank will be available on the website of the company at a price of $ 14.99.