BlackBerry Passport Classic and could not return for the popular

This Monday brokerage firm Morgan Stanley reported that two new devices from BlackBerry, which were to ensure the recovery process popularity producer, sold very poorly. Analyst of this company said that sales of BlackBerry Passport and BlackBerry Classic far from sales of earlier projections.
Продажи новых смартфонов BlackBerry не оправдали ожиданий производителя

According to representatives of Morgan Stanley, in the current quarter has sold about 8,000 business-oriented smartphone segment BlackBerry Passport and old school BlackBerry Classic. According to estimates of analysts, the manufacturer needs to sell about 2.3 million units for 2016. According to employees of Morgan Stanley, the likelihood that the BlackBerry reach the planned profit of $ 500 million in the segment of software, very low.
Moreover, representatives of brokerage companies believe that the products sold BlackBerry has become worse even among corporate clients. When Passport smartphone with 4.5-inch display and a resolution was introduced 1440h1440 market, the company quickly managed to sell about 200,000 units. The second batch is also sold pretty quickly. And not so long ago, AT & T has launched a special version of this smartphone with rounded edges for US residents.
Smartphone BlackBerry Classic, which in the US is also available from AT & T, has a design similar to BlackBerry Bold 9900, but it works on the operating system BlackBerry OS 10.3.
On Monday, representatives of Morgan Stanley admitted their share price forecasts BlackBerry understated and evaluated in a share of $ 7. Despite this, to date, the company's shares are sold on the stock exchange for $ 9.65.