Epson L456 allows you to edit and print photos without using a PC

Epson L456 - a new printer cartridge-free printing with built-in screen. The device allows you to edit and print photos from a memory card without using a computer. Also, thanks to the Wi-Fi Direct and support Epson Connect service possible implementation of wireless printing directly from your smartphone or scan an image and send it off to your mobile device. 
Epson L456 обеспечивает прямую печать со смартфона

Epson L456 is able to print a photo format 10x15 in the "borderless".
How uterzhdaet manufacturer, this technology allows to achieve a record efficiency of printing while maintaining the highest quality.Starter kit ink for Epson L456 enough
Print 4000 b / w and color documents 6500.
Epson L456 позволяет редактировать и печатать фотографии без использования ПК
According to the manufacturer, this technology allows to achieve a record efficiency while maintaining high print quality. Starter kit ink Epson L456 enough to print 4,000 black-and-white and 6500 colored sheets.
The cost of MFP yet unknown.