Fans of retro and excellent quality analog sound may be interested in the new product from Sony - turntable PS-LX300USB. The device combines the charm of the era of vinyl with modern technology - the ability to record directly to your computer with records and auto playback function, through which you can no longer worry about scratches on the plates.
Playing records is conducted at speeds of 33 1/3 and 45 rpm. Pickup equipped with a diamond head, which is essential for high quality sound. The model is also applied to the tape drive system to protect the player from the needle vibration motor.
S / N ratio for the audio output PS-LX300USB is optimal for analog sources 50 dB. Player from Sony is equipped with phono preamplifier, and can be connected to any audio amplifier. Connecting to a computer by USB-connection, and the utility Sound Forge Audio Studio LE, which comes bundled with the device will allow you to convert your vinyl records to digital formats MP3, WAV and WMA.
Sales of Sony PS-LX300USB began in mid-March.