Google Now will be able to search for Android-applications

Google has announced that in the very near future the company will provide developers with the possibility of introducing a service Google Now in their own software solutions. This enables Google to search for the required information in a variety of applications. 
Персонализированный поиск Google Now будет подстраиваться под привычки пользователя

This will enable the service to become more personalized. For example, in the event that Google Now on the results of the search will find a variety of information on multiple sites, preference will be given to one that is more consistent with the tastes and needs of the user, displayed in various applications.
In addition, if the user likes to come in, say, the airport well in advance, then Google Now will be taken into account and this is making the adjusted individual schedules.
Thus, during this year, Google is going very seriously enhance the personalized search component to issue more relevant answers to queries.